Renewable Energy: Laser Assisted Processing of Composite Materials and Solar
Bian, D., Tsui, J.C.,
Kydd, R.R., Shim, D.J., Jones, M., Yao, Y.L.,
“Interlaminar toughening of fiber reinforced
polymers by synergistic modification of resin
and fiber,” ASME Trans. J. of Manufacturing
Science and Engineering,
141(9):081008-081008-12, 2019, doi:
Zhang, M.,
Yao, Y.L., Chen, C., Kongsuwan, P., Brandal, G.,
Bian, D., “Effects
of Laser Radiation on the Wetting and Diffusion
Characteristics of Kovar Alloy on Borosilicate
Glass,” ASME Trans. J. of Manufacturing
Science and Engineering, Vol. 140, No. 1,
2018, 011012-1, DOI: 10.1115/1.4037426.
Bian, D., Beeksma, B.R.,
Shim, D.J., Jones, M., and Yao, Y.L.,
"Interlaminar Toughening of GFRP - Part II:
Characterization and Numerical Simulation of
Curing Kinetics," ASME Trans. J. of
Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol. 139,
July 2017, DOI: 10.1115/1.4036127
Bian, D., Beeksma, B.R.,
Shim, D.J., Jones, M., and Yao, Y.L.,
"Interlaminar Toughening of GFRP - Part I:
Bonding Improvement Through Diffusion and
Precipitation," ASME Trans. J. of Manufacturing
Science and Engineering, Vol. 139, July 2017,
DOI: 10.1115/1.4036126
Bucher, T., Brandal, G.,
Chen, H., Yao, Y.L., “Quantifying
the Heat Affected Zone in Laser Scribing of Thin Film,” Manufacturing
Letters, Elsevier, 13 (2017), 11-14.
Bian, D., Bucher, T., Shim, D.J., Jones, M., Yao, Y.L., “Effect
of Deep Penetration of Interleaf on Delamination Resistance in GFRP,” ASME
Trans. J. of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 138(7), 2016, DOI:
Wang, H., Chen, H., Yao, Y.L., “Removal
Mechanism and Defect Characterization for Glass-Side Laser Scribing of
CdTe/CdS Multilayer in Solar Cells," ASME Trans. J. of
Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 137(6), 2015. 061006, DOI:
Bian, D., Satoh, G., Yao, Y.L., “Laser
Inter-Laminar Reinforcement of Continuous Glass Fiber Composites," ASME
Trans. J. of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 137(6), 2015,
061001, DOI: 10.1115/1.4030754.
Wang, H., Hsu, S.-T., Tan, H.,
Yao, Y.L., Chen, H., Azer, M.N., “Predictive
Modeling for Glass-Side Laser Scribing of Thin
Film Photovoltaic Cells,” ASME
Journal of Manufacturing Science and
135(5) 2013.
Tan, H., Yao, Y.L., “Laser
Joining of Continuous Glass Fiber Composite
Pre-forms," ASME Trans. J. of
Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Feb
2013, Vol 135, 011014-1 to 10.
Wang, H., Kongsuwan, P.,
Satoh, G., Yao, Y.L., 2013, “Femtosecond Laser-induced Simultaneous Surface
Texturing and Crystallization of a-Si:H Thin Film: Morphology Study”, The
International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 65(9), pp.
Wang, H., Lusquiños, F.,
Yao, Y.L., 2012, "Effect of Hydrogen on Surface Texturing and
Crystallization of a-Si:H Thin Film Irradiated by Excimer Laser", Applied
Physics A, 107(2), pp. 307-320.
Wang, H., Kongsuwan, P.,
Satoh, G., Yao, Y.L., 2012, “Femtosecond Laser-induced Simultaneous Surface
Texturing and Crystallization of a-Si:H Thin Film: Absorption and
Crystallinity”, ASME Trans. Journal of
Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 134(3), pp. 031006.
H., Kongsuwan, P., Satoh, G., Yao, Y.L., “Effect of Processing Medium and
Condition on Absorption Enhancement of Femtosecond Laser Treated a-Si:H Thin
Film”, Proceedings of the 2011
North American Manufacturing Research Conference (NAMRC '11), Corvallis OR,
June, 2011
H., Kongsuwan, P., Satoh, G., Yao, Y.L., “Femtosecond Laser-induced Surface Texturing and Crystallization of a-Si:H Thin Film”,
of the 2010 International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference (MSEC
'10), Erie PA, Oct. 2010.
Laser Joining of Dissimilar Metals and Transparent
Satoh, G., Brandal,
G., Naveed, S., Yao, Y.L., “Laser
Autogenous Brazing of Biocompatible, Dissimilar
Metals in Tubular Geometries,” ASME
Trans. J. of Manufacturing Science and
Engineering, Vol,
139, April 2017, 041016-1, DOI:
Brandal, G., Naveed, S., Yao, Y.L.,“ Biocompatibility
and Corrosion Response of Laser Joined NiTi to
Stainless Steel Wires,” ASME
Trans. J. of Manufacturing Science and
Engineering, 137(3), June 2015, 031015-1 to
-9, DOI: 10.1115/1.4029766.
Kongsuwan, P., Brandal, G., Yao, Y.L., “Laser
Induced Porosity and Crystallinity Modification of a Bioactive Glass Coating
on Titanium Substrates,” ASME Trans. J. of Manufacturing
Science and Engineering, 137 (3), June 2015, 031004-1 to -12, DOI:
Satoh, G., Qiu,
C., Naveed, S., Yao, Y.L., “Strength
and Phase Identification of Autogenous Laser Brazed Dissimilar Metal
Micro-Joints,” Journal of Manufacturing Science and
Engineering, 137(1), 011012, 2015; doi:10.1115/1.4028778.
Brandal, G., Satoh, G., Naveed,
S., Yao, Y.L.. “Beneficial Interface Geometry
for Laser Joining of NiTi to Stainless Steel
Wires,” Journal of Manufacturing Science and
Engineering, 135,
December 2013.
Satoh, G., Yao, Y.L., Qiu, C.,
“Strength and Microstructure of Laser Fusion
Welded Ti-SS Dissimilar Material Pair,” Int.
Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology,
Volume 66, Issue 1 (2013), Page 469-479.
Tan, H., Yao, Y.L., “Laser
Joining of Continuous Glass Fiber Composite
Pre-forms," ASME Trans. J. of
Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Feb
2013, Vol 135, 011014-1 to 10.
Grant Brandal, Gen Satoh, Y. Lawrence Yao, Syed
Naveed, "Effects of Interfacial Geometry on Laser Joining of
Dissimilar NiTi to Stainless Steel Wires", Proceedings of the ASME
2013 International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference
(MSEC '13), June 2013, Madison, WI, MSEC2013-1204
Kongsuwan, P, Satoh, G., Yao, Y.L.,
“Transmission Welding of Glass by Femtosecond
Laser: Mechanism and Fracture Strength,” ASME
Trans. J. of Manufacturing Science and
Engineering, February 2012, Vol. 134,
011004-1 to 11.
Gen Satoh, Y. Lawrence Yao, "Laser Autogenous
Brazing - A New Method for Joining Dissimilar Metals", Proc. 30th
Int. Congress on Applications of Lasers and Electro-Optics (ICALEO
'11), Orlando FL, Oct. 2011
Kongsuwan, P., Yao, Y.L.,
“Transmission welding of glasses by femtosecond laser: structural and
mechanical properties,” Proc. 29th Int. Congress on
Applications of Lasers and Electro-Optics (ICALEO '2010), Anaheim CA, Sept.
Vukelic, S., Kongsuwan, P.,
Yao, Y.L., 2010, "Ultrafast Laser Induced Structural Modification of Fused
Silica - PartI: Feature Formation Mechanisms",
Trans. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol. 132(6), pp.
Vukelic, S., Kongsuwan, P.,
Ryu, S., Yao, Y.L., 2010, "Ultrafast Laser Induced Structural Modification
of Fused Silica - PartII: Spatially Resolved and Decomposed Raman Spectral
Analysis", ASME Trans. Journal of Manufacturing
Science and Engineering, Vol. 132(6), pp. 061013.
P., Wang, H., Vukelic, S., Yao, Y.L., 2010, “Characterization of Morphology and
Mechanical Properties of Glass Interior Irradiated by Femtosecond Laser,” ASME
Trans. Journal
of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol.
pp. 0410091.
P., Wang, H., Vukelic, S., Yao, Y.L., “Characterization of Morphology and
Mechanical Properties of Glass Irradiated by Femtosecond Laser,” Proc. 28th
Int. Congress on Applications of Lasers and Electro-Optics (ICALEO '09),
Orlando FL, Nov. 2009.
Ultrafast Laser Processing of Dielectrics and
Kongsuwan, P., Wang, H., Yao, Y.L.,
“Single Step Channeling of Glass by Femtosecond
Laser,” Journal of Applied Physics, 112,
023114 (2012) (10 pages).
Wang, Panjawat Kongsuwan, Gen Satoh, Y. Lawrence Yao, 2012, “Femtosecond
Laser-induced Simultaneous Surface Texturing and Crystallization of a-Si:H
Thin Film: Morphology Study”, The International Journal of Advanced
Manufacturing Technology, DOI: 10.1007/s00170-012-4291-0.
Wang, H.,
Kongsuwan, P., Satoh, G., Yao, Y.L., 2012, “Femtosecond Laser-induced
Simultaneous Surface Texturing and Crystallization of a-Si:H Thin Film:
Absorption and Crystallinity”, ASME Trans. Journal of Manufacturing
Science and Engineering, 134(3), pp. 031006.
Wang, H., Lusquiños,
F., Yao, Y.L., 2012, "Effect of Hydrogen on Surface Texturing and
Crystallization of a-Si:H Thin Film Irradiated by Excimer Laser", Applied
Physics A, 107(2), pp. 307-320.
P., Satoh, G., Yao, Y.L., 2012, "Transmission welding of glass by
femtosecond laser: mechanism and fracture strength", ASME Trans. Journal of
Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol. 134, pp. 011004
Wang, Panjawat Kongsuwan, Gen Satoh, Y. Lawrence Yao, "Effect of Processing
Medium and Condition on Absorption Enhancement of Femtosecond Laser Treated
a-Si:H thin film", 39th North American Manufacturing Research Conference (NAMRC
'2011), June, 2011, Corvallis, OR, NAMRC39-4751
P., Wang, H., Vukelic, S., Yao, Y.L., “Characterization of Morphology and
Mechanical Properties of Glass Interior Irradiated by Femtosecond Laser,”
ASME Trans. J. of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol.132, No.4, pp.
0410091-04100910, August, 2010
P., Wang, H., Vukelic, S., Yao, Y.L., “Characterization of Morphology and
Mechanical Properties of Glass Irradiated by Femtosecond Laser,” Proc. 28th
Int. Congress on Applications of Lasers and Electro-Optics (ICALEO '09),
Orlando FL, Nov. 2009, pp 1214-1223. PDF (776 kB)
Vukelić, S., Kongsuwan, P., Ryu,
S., Yao, Y. L., “Ultra Fast Laser Induced
Structural Modification of Fused Silica. Part
II: Spatially Resolved and Decomposed Raman
Spectral Analysis” ASME Trans. J. of
Manufacturing Science and Engineering,
December 2010, Vol. 132, 061013-1 to 9.
Vukelić, S., Kongsuwan, P., Yao,
Y. L., “Ultra-Fast Laser Induced Structural
Modification of Fused Silica. Part I: Feature
Formation Mechanisms,” ASME Trans. J. of
Manufacturing Science and Engineering,
December 2010, Vol. 132, 061012-1 to 8.
S., Ryu, S., Yao, Y. L., (2008) “Ultra-Fast Laser Induced Structural
Modification of Fused Silica. Part I: Feature Formation Mechanisms,”
submitted to Journal of Applied Physics
Microstructural Modification of NiTi Shape Memory
Alloys and Biodegradable Polymers
Hsu, S.-T., Tan, H, and Yao, Y.
L., 2012, “Effect of Laser Induced Crystallinity
Modification on Biodegradation Profile of Poly(L-lactic
Acid),” Journal of Manufacturing Science and
Engineering, 136, February, 2014.
Hsu, S.-T. and Yao, Y. L.,
2013, “Effect of Drug Loading and Laser Surface
Melting on Drug Release Profile from
Biodegradable Polymer,” Journal of Applied
Polymer Science, 2013 pp. 4147-4156.
Hsu, S.-T. and Yao, Y. L., 2013,
“Effect of Drug Loading on Laser Modified
Polymer Biodegradation,” Manufacturing
Letters, 1 (2013) pp. 66-69.
Hsu, S.-T., Yao, Y.L., “Effect of
Film Formation Method and Annealing on
Morphology and Crystal Structure of Poly(L-Lactic
Acid) Films,” Journal of Manufacturing Science
and Engineering, 136, April 2014.
Hsu, S.-T., Tan, H., and Yao, Y. L., “Effect of Excimer Laser Irradiation on
Crystallinity and Chemical Bonding of Biodegradable Polymer,” Polymer
Degradation and Stability, Vol. 97, No. 1, 2012, pp. 88-97.
Shan-Ting Hsu, Huade Tan, Y. Lawrence Yao, "Effect of excimer laser
irradiation of biodegradable polymer on its chemical bonding", Proc. 30th
Int. Congress on Applications of Lasers and Electro-Optics (ICALEO '11),
Orlando FL, Oct. 2011
Shan-Ting Hsu, Y. Lawrence Yao, "Effect of Film Formation Method and
Annealing on Crystallinity of Poly (L-Lactic Acid) Films", Proceeding of the
2011 International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference (MSEC),
June, 2011, Corvallis, OR, MSEC2011-50205
Gen Satoh, Y. Lawrence Yao, Xu Huang, Ainissa Ramirez, "Characterization and
prediction of texture in laser annealed NiTi shape memory thin films",
Proceeding of the 2010 International Manufacturing Science and Engineering
Conference (MSEC), October, 2010, Erie, PA, MSEC2010-34250
Satoh, G., Birnbaum, A., Yao,
Y.L.,“Annealing Effect on the Shape Memory
Properties of Amorphous NiTi Thin Films,“
ASME Trans. J. of Manufacturing Science
and Engineering, October 2010, Vol. 132,
051004-1 to 9.
Y. L. Yao, A. J. Birnbaum, A. Bhatla, and G. Satoh, "Advances in Surface
Modification via Laser Crystallization", Proc. of LAMP 2009 - the 5th Int.
Congress on Laser Advanced Materials Processing, Kobe, Japan, June 2009
Satoh, G., Huang, X., Ramirez, A.G., Yao, Y.L.,
“Characterization and Prediction of Texture in Laser Annealed NiTi Shape
Memory Thin Films,”
ASME Trans. J. of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, October 2012,
Vol. 134, 051006-1 to 11.
Satoh, G., Birnbaum, A., and Yao, Y. L., "Shape Memory Property Alteration
of Amorphous NiTi Thin Films Through Aging Heat Treatment", Proc. of the
ASME 2009 Int. Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference (MSEC
'2009), West Lafayette In, Oct. 2009, MSEC2009-84364
AJ Birnbaum, G Satoh, YL Yao, “Functionally
grading the shape memory response in NiTi films:
Laser irradiation,”
Journal of Applied Physics 106 (4),
043504-043504-8, 2009.
Satoh, G., Birnbaum, A., and Yao, Y. L., “Effect of Annealing Parameters on
the Shape Memory Properties of NiTi Thin Films,” Proc. 27th Int. Congress on
Applications of Lasers and Electro-Optics (ICALEO ‘08), Temecula, CA, Oct.
2008, paper P126 on CD, Poster Presentation Gallery, pp. 100-109
A.J. Birnbaum, U.J. Chen, X. Huang, A.G. Ramirez, Y.L. Yao and J.S. Im,
“Substrate Temperature Effects on Laser Crystallized NiTi Thin Films,”
Journal of Applied Physics, 105, 073502, 2009.
A.J. Birnbaum, U.J. Chen, X.
Huang, A.G. Ramirez, Y.L. Yao and J.S. Im, “On
the Lateral Crystal Growth of Laser Irradiated
NiTi Thin Films,” Applied Physics Letters,
94, 261908 (2009).
Birnbaum, A., Satoh, G., and Yao, Y. L.,
“Pre-Heated Substrate Effects on Melt-Mediated
Laser Crystallization of NiTi Thin Films,”
Proc. 27th Int. Congress on Applications
of Lasers and Electro-Optics (ICALEO ‘08),
Temecula, CA, Oct. 2008, paper M703 on CD.
Laser Microprocessing Conf, pp.
332-341. (won the 3rd Place Award in Student
Paper Contest)
Birnbaum, A., Yao, Y.L., “The
Effects of Laser Forming on Superelastic NiTi
Shape Memory Alloys,” ASME Trans. J. of
Manufacturing Science and Engineering,
August 2010, Vol. 132, 041002-1 to 8. (Top 10
Most Downloaded Articles – August 2010)
Bhatla, A., and Yao, Y.L.,
“Effect of Laser Surface Modification on
Crystallinity of poly (lactic acid),” ASME
Trans. J. of Manufacturing Science and
Engineering, Oct. 2009, Volume 131, Issue 5,
Bhatla, A., Yao, Y. L., "Laser Surface Treatment of a Biodegradable Polymer
at Varying Fluences", Transactions of 2008 North America Manufacturing
Research Institute/SME, Monterrey, Mexico, Vol. 36, 2008, pp.25-32
Birnbaum, A. J., Chung, U., Huang, X., Ramirez, A. G., Polovino, S., Yao, Y.
L., "Melt-Mediated Laser Crystallization of Thin Film NiTi Shape Memory
Alloys", Proceedings of 26th International Congress on Applications of
Lasers & Electro-Optics ICALEO October 29 - November 1, 2007, Orlando, FL,
Laser Micromachining and
Laser Ablative Cleaning
Zhang, J., Birnbaum, A.J., Yao,
Y.L., Xu, F., Lombardi, J.R., "Mechanism and
Prediction of Laser Wet Cleaning of Marble
Encrustation," ASME Trans. J. of
Manufacturing Science and Engineering,
Vol.130, Issue 3, 031012, 11 pages, 2008.
Zhang J., Birnbaum A. J., Xu F., Lombardi, J. R., Yao, Y. L. “Effect of
Fluence on the Discoloration of Marble Cleaned with UV Lasers” Applied
Surface Science 253, 2007 pp. 3083-3092
Zhang, J., Wang, Y., Cheng, P., and Yao, Y.L., “Effect of Pulsing Parameters
on Laser Ablative Cleaning of Copper Oxides,” J. Applied Physics, vol. 99,
Yao, Y. L., Chen, H., and Zhang, W., “Time Scale Effects in Laser Material
Removal --- A Review,“ Int. J. Advanced Manufacturing Technology, UK, 24
November 2005
Zhang, W., Yao, Y. L., and Chen, K., “Modeling and Analysis of UV Laser
Micromachining of Copper,” Int. J. Advanced Manufacturing Technology,
Pergamon, Vol. 18, 2001, pp.323-331.
Lu, X., Yao, Y. L., and Chen, K., "A Low Diffraction Laser Beam as Applied
to Polymer Ablation," J. of Laser Applications, Laser Institute of America,
Vol. 13, No. 5, 2001, pp.209-217.
Chen, K., Yao, Y. L., and Modi, V., “Gas Dynamic Effects on Laser Cutting
Quality,” SME J. of Manufacturing Processes, Vol. 3, No. 1, 2001, pp. 38-49
Chen, K., Yao, Y. L., and Modi, V., “Gas Jet - Workpiece Interactions in
Laser Machining,” ASME Trans. J. of Manufacturing Science and Engineering,
Vol. 122, No. 3, 2000, pp. 429-438
Chen, K., and Yao, Y. L., “Interactive Effects of Reactivity and Melt Flow
in Laser Machining,” Int. J. High Temperature Material Processes, Special
Issue on Laser Materials Processing, edited by Yao, Y. L., invited paper,
Vol. 4, No.2, 2000, pp.227-252.
Chen, K., and Yao, Y. L., “Process Optimization of Pulsed Laser
Micromachining with Applications in Medical Device Manufacturing,” Int. J.
Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Springer-Verlag, Vol. 16, 2000,
Di Pietro, P., Yao, Y. L., and Jeromin, A., "Model-Based Optimization for
Laser Cutting under Transient Conditions,” J. Materials Processing
Technology, Elsevier Scientific, Vol. 97, 2000, pp. 158-167.
Chen, K, Yao, Y. L., and Modi, V., “Numerical Simulation of Oxidation
Effects in Laser Cutting Process,” Int. J. Advanced Manufacturing
Technology, Springer-Verlag, Vol. 15, 1999, pp. 835-842.
Chen, K, and Yao, Y. L., “Striation Formation and Melt Removal in Laser
Cutting Process,” J. Manufacturing Processes, Society of Manufacturing
Engineers, Vol. 1, No. 1, 1999, pp. 43-53.
Di Pietro, P., and Yao, Y. L., "Improving Laser Cutting Quality for
Two-Dimensional Contoured Paths," ASME Trans. J. of Manufacturing Science
and Engineering, Vol. 120, No. 3, 1998, pp. 590-599.
Di Pietro, P., and Yao, Y. L., "A New Technique to Characterize and Predict
Laser Cut Striations," Int. J. Machine Tools & Manufacture, Pergamon, Vol.
35, No. 7, 1995, pp. 993-1002.
Di Pietro, P., and Yao, Y. L., "A Numerical Investigation into Cutting Front
Mobility in CO2 laser Cutting," Int. J. Machine Tools & Manufacture,
Pergamon, Vol. 35, No. 5, 1995, pp. 673-688.
Di Pietro, P., and Yao, Y. L., "Effects of Workpiece Boundary and Motion on
Laser Cutting Front Phenomena," J. Materials Processing Technology, Elsevier
Scientific, Vol. 44, 1994, pp. 237-245.
Di Pietro, P., and Yao, Y. L., "An Investigation into Characterizing and
Optimizing Laser Cutting Quality - A Review," Int. J. Machine Tools &
Manufacture, Pergamon, Vol. 34, No. 3, 1994, pp. 225-243.
Micro-scale Laser Shock Peening (micro-LSP) and
Micro-scale Laser Peen Forming (micro-LPF)
Brandal, G., and Yao,
Y.L., "Laser Shock Peening for Suppression of
Hydrogen-Induced Martensitic Transformation in
Stress Corrosion Cracking," ASME Trans. J. of
Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol. 139,
August 2017, DOI: 10.1115/1.4036530
Brandal, G.,
Yao, Y.L.,
Influence on Mitigation of Stress Corrosion Cracking via Laser Shock Peening,"ASME Trans. J. of
Manufacturing Science and Engineering,
139(1), 2016, DOI: 10.1115/1.4034283.
Vukelić, S., Noyan, I. C., Kysar,
J. W., Yao, Y. L., “Characterization
of Heterogeneous Response
of Al Bicrystal Subject to Micro Scale Laser
Shock Peening,” Int. J. Experimental
DOI 10.1007/s11340-010-9380-0, published online 23 July 2010.
Vukelic, S., Kysar, J.W., and
Yao, Y. L., “Grain Boundary Response of Aluminum
Bicrystal Under Microscale Laser Shock Peening,”
Int J. of Solids and Structures, 46
(2009) 3323–3335.
Wang, Y. Vukelic, S., Kysar, J.W.,
and Yao, Y.L., “Spatially Resolved
Characterization of Geometrically Necessary
Dislocation Dependent Deformation in Microscale
Laser Shock Peening," J. Manuf. Sci. Eng.,
August 2009, Volume 131, Issue 4, 041014 (9
Vukelić, S., Wang, Y., Kysar, J.
W., and Yao, Y. L., (2009) “Dynamic Material
Response of Aluminum Single Crystal Under Micro
Scale Laser Shock Peening,” ASME Journal of
Manufacturing Science and Engineering,
Volume 131, Issue 3, 031015 (10 pages).
Vukelic, S., Wang, Y., Kysar, J.W.,
and Yao, Y. L., “Comparative Study of Symmetric
and Asymmetric Deformation of Al Single Crystal
Under Micro Scale Laser Shock Peening,”
Journal of Mechanics of Materials and
Structures, Vol.4, No.1, 2009, pp. 89-105.
Wang, Y, Kysar, J. W., and Yao, Y. L., "Analytical Solution of Anisotropic
Plastic Deformation Induced by Micro-scale Laser Shock Peening", Mechanics
of Materials 40, 2008, 100-114.
Wang, Y. Vukelic, S., Kysar, J.W.,
and Yao, Y.L., “Micro-scale Laser Peen Forming
of a Single Crystal,” J. of Applied Physics,
103, 063525 (2008).
Fan, Y., Wang, Y., Vukelic, S., and Yao, Y. L., “Wave-solid interactions in
shock induced deformation processes,” J. Appl. Physi., 98, 2005
Wang, Y., Fan, Y., Vukelic, S., and Yao, Y. L., “Energy Level Effects on
Deformation Mechanism in Micro-scale Laser Peen Forming”, SME J. of
Manufacturing Process, Vol. 9/No. 1, 2007, pp. 1-12.
Chen, H., Kysar, J. W., Yao, Y. L., and Wang, Y., “Study of Anisotropic
Character Induced by Microscale Laser Shock Peening on a Single crystal
Aluminum, ” Journal of Applied Physics 101, 2007
Wang, Y., Chen, H., Kysar, J. W., and Yao, Y. L., “Response of Thin Films
and Substrate to Micro Scale Laser Shock Peening,” ASME Trans. J. of
Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol. 129, 2007, pp.485-496.
Fan, Y., Wang, Y., Vukelic, S.,
and Yao, Y. L., “Numerical Investigation of
Opposing Dual Sided Micro Scale Laser Shock
Peening,“ ASME J. of Manufacturing Science
and Engineering, Vol 129, April 2007, pp.
Chen, H., Yao, Y. L., Kysar, J. W., Noyan, I. C., and Wang, Y., “Fourier
Analysis of X-ray Microdiffraction Profiles to Characterize Laser Shock
Peened Metals,” Int. J. of Solids and Structures, Vol. 42, 2005,
Chen, H., Wang, Y., Kysar, J. W., Yao, Y. L., “Advances in Micro Scale Laser
Shock Peening,” Tsinghua Science and Technology, Journal, Vol. 9, No. 5,
Oct. 2004, pp.506-518.
Chen, H., Wang, Y., Kysar, J. W., Yao, Y. L., “Systematical Characterization
of Material Response to Micro Scale Laser Shock Peening,” Special Issue on
Micro/Meso Manufacturing, ASME Trans. J. of Manufacturing Science and
Engineering, Vol.26, No.4, Nov. 2004, pp.740-749.
Chen, H., Kysar, J., and Yao, Y. L., “Characterization of Plastic
Deformation Induced by Micro Scale Laser Shock Peening,” ASME Trans. J. of
Applied Mechanics, Vol.71, No.3, 2004, pp.713-723
Chen, H. and Yao, Y. L., “Modeling Schemes, Transiency, and Strain
Measurement for Microscale Laser Shock Processing,” SME J. of Manufacturing
Processes, Vol.6, No.2, 2004, pp.155-169
Chen, H., Yao, Y. L., and Kysar, J., “Spatially Resolved Characterization of
Residual Stress Induced by Micro Scale Laser Shock Peening,” ASME Trans. J.
of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol. 126, No. 2, May 2004,
Zhang, W., Yao, Y. L., and Noyan, I. C., “Microscale Laser Shock Peening of
Thin Films, Part 2: High Spatial Resolution Material Characterization,” ASME
Trans. J. of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol. 126, February 2004,
pp. 18-24
Zhang, W., Yao, Y. L., and Noyan, I. C., “Microscale Laser Shock Peening of
Thin Films, Part 1: Experiment, Modeling and Simulation,” ASME Trans. J. of
Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol. 126, February 2004, pp. 10-17
Zhang, W., Chen, H., and Yao, Y. L., "Advances in micro-scale laser peening
technology," The 5th Internationla Conference on Frontiers of Design and
Manufacturing(ICFDM'2002), Dalian, China, July 2002.
Zhang, W., and Yao, Y. L., “Micro-scale Laser Shock Processing: Modeling,
Testing, and Microstructure Characterization,” SME J. of Manufacturing
Processes, Vol. 3, No.2, 2001, pp. 128-143.
Zhang, W., and Yao, Y. L., “Micro-scale Laser Shock Processing of Metallic
Components,” ASME Trans. J. of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol.
124, No. 2, May 2002, pp. 369-378.
Laser Forming and Laser Correction of Distortions
Bucher, T., Zhang, M.,
Chen, C., Verma, R., Li, W., Yao, Y.L.,
“Laser Forming of Metal Foam Sandwich
Panels: Effect of Panel Manufacturing
Method,” ASME
Trans. J. of Manufacturing Science and
Engineering, 141(5):051006-051006-11,
2019, doi: 10.1115/1.4043194.
Bucher, T., Cardenas,
S., Verma, R., Li, W., Yao, Y.L., “Laser
Forming of Sandwich Panels with Metal Foam
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Bucher, T., Yao, Y.L., “Advances in Laser Forming of
Metal Foam: Mechanism, Predication and Comparison,” Int. J. Mechatronics
and Manufacturing Systems, Vol. 11, No. 2/3, 2018, pp. 250-273, DOI:
Bucher, T., Young, A., Zhang, M., Chen, C.J., Yao, Y.L.,
“Thermally Induced Mechanical Response of Metal Foam during Laser Forming,”
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Bucher, T., Bolger, C., ZHang, M., Chen, C., Yao, Y.L., "Effect
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Zhang, M., Chen, C., Brandal, G., Bian, D., Yao, Y.L., “ Experimental
and Numerical Investigation of Laser Forming of Closed-Cell Aluminum Foam,” ASME
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Birnbaum, A., Yao, Y.L., “The
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Birnbaum, A. J., Cheng, P., and Yao, Y. L., “Effects of Clamping on Laser
Forming Process”, ASME J. of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol. 129
2007, 1035-1044
Cheng, P., Fan, Y., Zhang, J., Mika, D., Graham, M., Zhang, W., Marte, J.,
Jones, M., Yao, Y. L., “Laser Forming of Varying Thickness Plate - Part II:
Process Synthesis,” ASME Trans. J. of Manufacturing Science and Engineering,
Vol. 128, 2006, pp. 642-650.
Cheng, P., Fan, Y., Zhang, J., Mika, D., Graham, M., Zhang, W., Marte, J.,
Jones, M., Yao, Y. L., “Laser Forming of Varying Thickness Plate - Part I:
Process Analysis,” ASME Trans. J. of Manufacturing Science and Engineering,
Vol. 128, 2006, pp. 634-641
Zhang, J., Cheng, P., Zhang, W., Graham, M., Jones, J., Jones, M., Yao, Y.
L., “Effect of Scanning Schemes on Laser Tube Bending,” ASME Trans. J. of
Manufacturing Science and Engineering, vol. 128, 2006, pp. 20-33
Fan, Y., Yang, Z., Cheng, P., Egland, K., and Yao, Y. L., “Investigation of
Effect of Phase Transformations on Mechanical Behavior of AISI 1010 Steel in
Laser Forming,” ASME Trans. J. of Manufacturing Science and Engineering,
Vol.129, 2007, pp. 110-116
Liu, C., and Yao, Y. L., "FEM-Based Process Design for
Laser Forming of Doubly Curved Shapes,”
SME J. of Manufacturing Processes, Vol. 7,
No. 2, 2005, pp. 109-121.
Cheng, P., Yao, Y. L., Liu, C., Pratt, D., and Fan, Y., “Analysis and
Prediction of Size Effect on Laser Forming of Sheet Metal,” SME J. of
Manufacturing Processes, Vol. 7, No. 1. , 2005, pp.28-41
Fan, Y., Yang, Z., Cheng, P, Egland, K., Yao, Y. L., “Effects of Phase
Transformations on Laser Forming of Ti-6Al-4V Alloy,” J. Applied Physics,
2005, Vol. 98, 2005.
Cheng. P, and Yao, Y. L., “The Influence of Sheet Metal Anisotropy on Laser
Forming Process,” ASME Trans. J. of Manufacturing Science and Engineering,
Vol. 127, 2005, 572-582
Cheng, J., and Yao, Y. L., “Process Synthesis of Laser Forming by Genetic
Algorithms," Int. J. of Machine Tools and Manufacture, UK, Vol. 44, No.15,
2004, pp.1619-1628
Cheng, J., and Yao, Y. L., “Process Design of Laser Forming for Three
Dimensional Thin Plates," ASME Trans. J. of Manufacturing Science and
Engineering, Vol. 126, No. 2, May 2004, pp.217-225
Liu, C., Yao, Y. L., and Srinivasan, V., “Optimal Process Planning for Laser
Forming of Doubly Curved Shapes,” ASME Trans. J. of Manufacturing Science
and Engineering, Vol. 126, 2004, pp. 1-9.
Liu, C., and Yao, Y. L., “Optimal and Robust Design of Laser Forming
Process,” SME J. of Manufacturing Processes, Vol. 4, No.1, 2002, pp. 52-66
Cheng, J., and Yao, Y. L., “Microstructure Integrated Modeling of Multiscan
Laser Forming," ASME Trans. J. of Manufacturing Science and Engineering,
Vol. 124, No. 2, May 2002, pp. 379-388
Li, W., and Yao, Y. L., "Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Convex
Laser Forming Process," SME J. of Manufacturing Processes, Vol. 3, No.2,
2001, pp. 73-81
Li, W., and Yao, Y. L., "Laser Bending of Tubes: Mechanism, Analysis, and
Prediction," ASME Trans. J. of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol.
123, No. 4, 2001, pp. 674-681
Cheng, J., and Yao, Y. L., “Cooling Effects in Multiscan Laser Forming," SME
J. of Manufacturing Processes, Vol.3, No.1, 2001, pp. 60-72
Bao, J., and Yao, Y. L., "Analysis and Prediction of Edge Effects in Laser
Bending," ASME Trans. J. of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol. 123,
No. 1, 2001, pp. 53-61
Li, W., and Yao, Y. L., "Laser Forming with Constant Line Energy," Int. J.
Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Pergamon, Vol. 17, 2001, pp. 196-203.
Li, W., and Yao, Y. L., "Numerical and Experimental Study of Strain Rate
Effects in Laser Forming," ASME Trans. J. of Manufacturing Science and
Engineering, Vol. 122, No. 3, 2000, pp. 445-451
Li, W., Bao, J., and Yao, Y. L., "Investigation of Geometric Shapes and
Mechanical Properties of Laser-Formed Workpiece," Int. J. High Temperature
Material Processes, Special Issue on Laser Materials Processing, edited by
Yao, Y. L., invited paper, Vol. 4, No.2, 2000, pp.253-290.
Robotic Cell Preparation, Cell Recognition,
and General Robotics
G. Garty, H.C. Turner, A. Salerno, A. Bertucci,
J. Zhang, Y. Chen, A. Dutta, P. Sharma, D. Bian,
M. Taveras, H. Wang, A Bhatla, A. Balajee, M.
Repin, O.V. Lyulko, N. Simaan, Y.L. Yao,
D.J.Brenner, “The Decade of the RABiT
(2005-2015),” Radiation
Protection Dosimetry,
Vol. 172, No. 1-3, 2016, pp. 201-206,
Bian, D., Tsui, J., Repin, M., Garty, G.,
Turner, H., Yao, Y.L., Brenner, D.J., “Liquid
Handling Optimization in High-Throughput
Biodosimetry Tool, “ ASME
Trans., J. of Medical Devices,Vol.
10, Dec. 2016, 041007-1, DOI: 10.1115/1.4033600.
Garty, G., Bigelow, A.W.,
Repin, M., Turner, H.C., Bian, D., Balajee, A.S.,
Lyulko, O.V., Taveras, M., Yao, Y.L., Brenner,
D., “An
Automated Imaging System for Radiation
Biodosimetry,” Microscopy Research &
Technique, 78:587-598 (2015), DOI
Chen, Y., Wang, H., Zhang, J., Garty, G., Simaan, N., Yao, Y.L., Brenner,
D.J., 2012, “Automated Recognition of Robotic Manipulation Failures in
High-throughput Biodosimetry Tool”, Expert Systems with Applications, 39,
pp. 9602-9611.
Helen C. Turner, David J. Brenner, Youhua Chen, Antonella Bertucci, Jian
Zhang, Hongliang Wang, Oleksandra V. Lyulko, Yanping Xu, Igor Shuryak, Julia
Schaefer, Nabil Simaan, Gerhard Randers-Pehrson, Y. Lawrence Yao, Sally A.
Amundson, and Guy Garty, “Adapting the γ-H2AX Assay for Automated Processing
in Human Lymphocytes. 1. Technological Aspects”, Radiation Research, 175,
282-290, 2011
Guy Garty, Youhua Chen, Helen Turner, Jian Zhang, Oleksandra Lyulko,
Antonella Bertucci, Yanping Xu, Hongliang Wang, Nabil Simaan, Gerhard
Randers-Pehrson, Y. Lawrence Yao, and David J. Brenner, "The RABIT: A Rapid
Automated BIodosimetry Tool For Radiological Triage. II. Technological
Developments", International Journal of Radiation Biology, May, pp. 1-15,
Garty, G., Chen, Y., Salerno, A., Turner, H., Zhang, J., Lyulko, O.V.,
Bertucci, A., Xu, Y., Wang, H., Simaan, N., Randers-Pehrson, G., Yao, Y.L.,
Amundson, S. A. and Brenner D.J., “The RABIT: A Rapid Automated Biodosimetry
Tool for radiological triage”, Health Physics, 98(2), pp.209-217, 2010
Chen, Y., Zhang, J., Wang, H., Garty, G., Xu, Y., Lyulko, O.V., Turner, H.C.,
Randers-Pehrson, G., Simaan, N., Yao, Y.L. and Brenner, D.J. “Development of
a Robotically-based Automated Biodosimetry Tool for High-throughput
Radiological Triage", International Journal of Biomechatornics and
Biomedical Robotics, 1(2), 2010.
Youhua Chen, Jian Zhang, Hongliang Wang, Guy Garty, Yanping Xu, Oleksandra
Victorovna Lyulko, Helen Turner, Gerhard Randers-Pehrson, Nabil Simaan, Y.
Lawrence Yao and D. J. Brenner, 2009, “Design and preliminary validation of
a rapid automated biosodimetry Tool for high througput radiological triage”,
Proceedings of 2009 ASME/IEEE International Conference on Mechatronic and
Embedded Systems and Applications 3, pp.61-67.
Long, X., Cleveland, W. L., and Yao, Y. L., “Multiclass Cell Detection in
Bright Field Images of Cell Mixtures with ECOC Probability Estimation,”
Image and Vision Computing, 26 (2008) 578-591
Long, X., Cleveland, W.L., and
Yao, Y. L., “Multiclass Detection Of Cells In
Multicontrast Composite Images,” Computers in
Biology and Medicine, 40 (2010)
Salerno, A., Zhang, J., Bhatla, A., Lyulko, O. V., Nie, J., Dutta, A., Garty,
G., Simaan, N., Randers-Pehrson, G., Yao, Y. L. and Brenner, D. J. “Design
Considerations for a Minimally Invasive High-Troughput Automation System for
Radiation Biodosimetry“ Proceedings of the 3rd Annual IEEE Conference on
Automation Science and Engineerng Scottsdale, AZ, USA, Sept 22-25, 2007, pp.
Guy Garty, Gerhard Randers-Pehrson, Nabil Simaan, Alessio Salerno, Aparajita
Dutta, Jing Nie, Giuseppe Schettino, Sasha Lyulko, Jian Zhang, Anubha Bhathala, Lawrence Yao, David J. Brenner, “Development of an
ultrahigh-throughput robotically-based biodosimetry workstation using
in-situ assays,” The 13th International Congress on Radiation Research, San
Francisco, CA, July 8-12, 2007, abstract only.
Long, X., Cleveland, W. L., and Yao, Y. L., “Automatic Detection of
Unstained Viable Cells in Bright Field Images Using a Support Vector Machine
with an Improved Training Procedure,” Computers in Biology and Medicine 36,
2006, pp. 339-362
Long, X., Cleveland, W. L., and Yao, Y. L., “A New Preprocessing Approach to
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Long, X., Cleveland, W. L., and Yao, Y. L., “Effective Automatic Recognition
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Abdul Majid, M. Z., Huang, Z., and Yao, Y. L., “Workspace Analysis of a
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Huang, Z., and Yao, Y. L., “Extension of Usable Workspace of Rotational Axes
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Huang, Z., and Yao, Y. L., “A New Closed-Form Kinematics of the Generalized
3-DOF Spherical Parallel Manipulator,” Robotica, Cambridge Univ. Press, Vol.
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Yao, Y. L., and Cheng, W., "Model based Motion Planning of Robot Assembly of
Non-Cylindrical Parts," Int. J. Advanced Manufacturing Technology,
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Yao, Y. L., and Wu, S. M., "Recursive Calibration of Industrial Manipulators
by Adaptive Filtering," ASME Trans. J. of Engineering for Industry, Vol.
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Fang, X. D., and Yao, Y. L., "Appropriate Introduction of Computer Control
to Mechanical Engineering Students," Int. J. of Mechanical Engineering
Education, Vol. 23, No. 4, 1995, pp. 273-284.
Korayem, M. H., Yao, Y. L., and Basu, A., "Application of Symbolic
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Yao, Y. L., Korayem, M. H., and Basu, A., "Maximum Allowable Load of
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Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, Int. J., Pergamon, Vol. 8,
No. 2, 1991, pp. 103-111.