Welcome to the Advanced Manufacturing Laboratory
we focus on the scientific investigation of
advanced manufacturing processes to improve
quality and productivity in industry, as well as
advanced robotic techniques for industrial and
health care applications. Much of our work
accomplishes this via laser technologies.
Recent Publications
Laser Forming of
Sandwich Panels with Metal Foam Cores,
(2018)T. Bucher, S. Cardenas, R. Werma, W.
Li, Y.L. Yao.
Laser forming
allows bending metal foam sandwich panels up
to large angles without reducing the
shock-absorption capacity of the foam core
or delaminating the metallic facesheets.
This technology opens up many potential
applications in the aerospace, automotive,
and energy industries.

Interlaminar Toughening of
Fiber-Reinforced Polymers by Synergistic
Modification of Resin and Fiber,
D., Tsui, J.C., Kydd, R.R., Shim, D.J., Jones,
M., Yao, Y.L.
The synergistic effect of combining different
methods was investigated in this study to
improve the interlaminar toughness and
delamination resistance of fiber
reinforced polymers (FRP). Epoxy-compatible
polysulfone (PSU) was end-capped with epoxide
group through functionalization, and the fiber
surface was chemically grafted with an amino
functional group to form a micron-size rough
surface. Consequently, the long chain of PSU
entangles into cross-linked thermoset epoxy
network, additionally, epoxide group on PSU
further improves the bonding through chemical
connection to the epoxy network and amino group
on the fiber
surface. The feasibility of using this method in
vacuum-assisted resin transfer molding was
determined by rheometry. The chemical modifications
were characterized by Raman spectroscopy to
determine the chemical structures. Synergistic
effect of the modification
was established by mode I and mode II fracture
tests, which quantify the improvement on
composites delamination resistance and

Shock Peening for Suppression of
Hydrogen-Induced Martensitic Transformation
in Stress Corrosion Cracking
(2017). G. Brandal, Y.L.Yao
Laser shock peening (LSP) improves the
resistance of a material to stress corrosion
cracking. The increased resistance is not
just attributed to compressive residual
stresses, but is also due to microstructural
changes that occur during LSP. Dislocations
created during LSP reduce the hydrogen
concentration, thereby preventing the phase
transformation from austenite to martensite.
Recent News
AML welcomed two new PhD
students in Fall 2019. Veronica Over
is no stranger. She received her BS and is
completing her MS degree, both in Mechanical
Engineering at Columbia University. In the
past summer, She interned at the premiere
semiconductor equipment manufacturer, ASML
in CT. Estefania Bohorquez joined us
from University of Central Florida, where
she received a BS in Civil Engineering. She
had research experience in Germany and MIT
Lincoln Lab and is a recipient of the NSF
Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP).
A warm welcome to both again!
Prof. Yao attended MSEC/NAMRC
Conference in Erie, PA June 10-13,
2019. He presented a paper “3D Laser
Forming of Metal Foam Sandwich Panels,”
which is based on a collaboration with
Boeing Company and funded by a GOALI grant
from National Science Foundation. He also
hosted an editorial board meeting of ASME
Journal of Manufacturing Science and
Engineering, of which he is the editor.
Tanzim Azad and Conner
Evans started
their 8-week summer research with AML June
3, 2019. They were supported by Research
Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program
of National Science Foundation. Each of
them is involved in an active research
project going on in the AML.
Tom Zhang successfully
passed his doctoral qualifying exam May
2019. Congratulations, Tom!
Dr. Grant Grandal, a recent
alumni of AML, received the prestigious
Outstanding Young Manufacturing Engineer
Award from SME
during the 46th North American Manufacturing
Research Conference held June 18-22, 2018 at
Texas A&M University. The award was
conferred partially based on his work at GE
Global Research since he graduated from AML.
The award is to recognize accomplished
individuals at age of 35 or younger.